use chromatic notes to delay the onset of the next root
G A B C D E F# G A B C D E F# G B C D E F# G A B C D E F#
OK above are the notes from G Major Scale
your are simply trying to get from A to D via those notes
and then D to A via those same notes
Your first notes are obviously the Roots of Am7 then D7
second notes ( after you have exhausted the easy moves up and down the scale pattern) are notes from the chord
here's the note names
Am7 contains A C E G ............... D7 contains D F# A C
for Am7 try A C B C.......D
for Am7 try A E C C#.......D
for Am7 try A G F# E.......D
for Am7 try A C E Eb.......D
for Am7 try A G C C#.......D
So the first 2 notes will be root and a chord note, then scale notes or a mixture of scale notes and chromatic notes to delay the playing of the next root
for D7 try D C B Bb.......A
for D7 try D F# G G#.......A
for D7 try D A C B.......A
for D7 try D A F# G.......A
for D7 try D F# E F#.......A
for D7 try D C G G#.......A
Your Task:
download the Major Scales for Bass pdf
it has the spellings of every 3 and 4 note chord in every Major Scale
pick 2 chords from the same scale
produce a version of basslines similar to mine, above
try walking basslines against each of the backing tracks
when you are ready to send your progression for analysis
click here