Where do chords come from?
From SCALES of course
let me help you play like this for $10
select these charts and discover what keys chords come from.
you'll find out how to manipulate each chart.
calculate the key of the song
if you could
you could use that major scale for your solo
if they are in G major you use a G major Scale pattern.
work it the other way
write a song in a key of your choice!
Power chords
use these and sound like green day
simple shapes
easy to play
just start with the first chord
(that's the first vertical column)
then choose any horizontally from the right
sounds great
they're related and mysterious

strong sounding
majors and minors
try starting anywhere you want
but stay in that key
great for hymm and rasmus bands

easier to determine the key
easier to hear a key change too
start anywhere
use any key that contains the root of your first choice
beatles, oasis, sheryll crow etc

Chord Possibilities
How many in G Major?
Here they are
And how to use them
Make something simple
Sound class
You choose them
Get a Chord Chemistry by Ted Green
Don't work them out yourself
this way to the page
How many scales can you use for Asus2?
I show you how to use this chart
we trace Asus2 in Major,Harmonic and Melodic scales
How many scales can you play over Asus2
ah I thought so!!
Chord Possibilities in Every Major Key
here is a chart showing the possibilities of each chord in every key
click on the graphic
download the chart

to the King of Chords E-zine
get 4 free mp3's to make you a monster soloist

chords page