YouTube Video Dropbox
send me the code. I 'll answer your Question on this page

this is youtube video dropbox page.
send me the code and I'll do my best at deciphering or just re-explaining the concept of the footage.
Or if you're unsure of how to use the lick or phrase that's caught your ear.
ok here's a youtube dropbox vids
4/4|| E5 / / / | E5 / / / | E5 / / / | E5 / / / ||
|| E5 / / / | E5 / / / | E5 / / / | E5 / / / |
| B5 / / / | C5 / G5 / | A5 / / / | B5 / / / |
| E5 / / / | E5 / / / | E5 / / / | E5 / / / ||
OK so when you do the analysis, all of the chords are from E Natural Minor(G Major)
except the intro solo is based on E Phrygian Minor (C Major)
you'll notice there's a Spanish flavor to it
that's the Phrygian Mode
no need to learn the Phrygian just play C Major scale with lots of open strings
the verses require E Natural Minor
get that sound by playing G Major scale with lots of open strings
great track
proves that AC/DC don't just play pentatonics or Dorian Minors
the best rhythm guitar and drummer team in the world
support great guitar, vocals and bass
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youtube video dropbox page