songwriting tips 2

Composing Using Major Scale Modes
What happens if we don't start with the first chord of the key?
It takes it's name from the mode name at that position
Songwriting Tips 2
Here are the Greek names for the modes
Ionian (The Major scale starts here,the Ist mode)
see songwriting tips #1
Dorian Minor (the IInd mode)
Phrygian Minor (the IIIrd mode)
Lydian (the IVth mode)
Mixolydian (the Vth mode)
Natural Minor (the VIth mode)
Locrian (the VIIth mode)
Dorian Minor (the IInd mode)
If we start with Am7 or Am or A5
Then follow with any chords from the 3 note, 4 note or powerchords in G
(we will add an E7 chord to this progression)
We have constructed a chord progression in A Dorian Minor
|| Am / / / | C5 / / / | Em7 / / / | D7 / / / | Cmaj7 / Am7 / | E7 / / / ||
Phrygian Minor (the IIIrd mode)
If we start with Bm7 or Bm or B5
Then follow with any chords from the 3 note, 4 note or powerchords in G
(we will add an F#7 chord to this progression)
We have constructed a chord progression in B Phrygian Minor
|| Bm / / / | C5 / / / | Em7 / / / | D7 / / / | Cmaj7 / Am7 / | F#7 / / / ||
Lydian (the IVth mode)
If we start with Cmaj7 or C or C5
Then follow with any chords from the 3 note, 4 note or powerchords in G
(we will add an G7 chord to this progression)
We have constructed a chord progression in C Lydian
||C / / / | Am / / / | Em7 / / / | D7 / / / | Cmaj7 / Am7 / | G7 / / / ||
Mixolydian (the Vth mode)
If we start with D7 or D or D5
Then follow with any chords from the 3 note, 4 note or powerchords in G
(we will add an A7 chord to this progression)
We have constructed a chord progression in D Mixolydian
||D7 / / / | Am / / / | Em7 / / / | D7 / / / | Cmaj7 / Am7 / | A7 / / / ||
Natural Minor (the VIth mode)
If we start with Em7 or Em or E5
Then follow with any chords from the 3 note, 4 note or powerchords in G
(we will add an B7 chord to this progression)
We have constructed a chord progression in E Natural Minor
||Em / / / | Am / / / | Em7 / / / | D7 / / / | Cmaj7 / Am7 / | B7 / / / ||
Locrian (the VIIth mode)
Unfortunately if we start with F#m7b5
The ear will fail to recognise F# Locrian
However it is possible to modulate to F# Locrian from another F# mode
This ocurrs in "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
oh yes it does!
More of that in songwriting techniques #5
In songwriting techniques #3
Nirvana's Major to Natural Minor formula